HSE courses for the accommodation and food service industry - Oslo

The course is aimed at safety representatives, working environment committee representatives, general managers, managers and others who work with HSE.

Foto: Regionale verneombud (RVO)

Organizer: Regional safety representatives (RVO), in cooperation with NHO Reiseliv and Fellesforbundet.

Questions about the course can be directed to RVO Camilla Knudsen, e-mail: 

The course is built up specifically for challenges in the industry, and to meet requirements for content given in regulations on organization, management and participation (lovdata.no).

If your company is not part of a collective agreement, you must have a written agreement of the length and content of the course. This must be approved in writing by the employer and an employee representative in the company. The approval must be based on an assessment of the risks that exist in the company's working environment.

The course will satisfy the requirement according to Section 3-19. Duration of the training of safety representatives and members of working environment committees (Lovdata.no)

Target group: The course is aimed at safety representatives, working environment committee representatives, general managers, managers and others who work with HSE.

Regional safety representatives are responsible for the course and available to participants throughout the process for advice, guidance and questions. The HSE course consists of three mandatory parts:

  • Module 1 - Physical Assembly
  • Module 2 - e-learning
  • Module 3 - Practical assignments

Read more about the course content (in Norwegian)

Course price: NOK 1500 per participant.


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