Nordic Championship for Cook and Waiter Apprentices 2023

Team Iceland Waiters

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Finnur Gauti Vilhelmsson and Benedikt E. Birnuson are the two young waiters representing Iceland in the Nordic Championship for Cook and Waiter Apprentices in 2023. Foto: IÐAN fræðslusetur

Meet Iceland's Finnur Gauti Vilhelmsson

20-year-old Finnur Gauti Vilhelmsson is part of the Icelandic Waiter Team. Foto: IÐAN fræðslusetur

I look forward to gain new experience and skills, and hopefully win the competition!

Finnur Gauti Vilhelmsson, Team Iceland

20-year-old Finnur Gauti Vilhelmsson is a waiter apprentice at Vox Brasserie in Reykjavik. But in April 2023, he is representing Iceland in the Nordic Championship for Cook and Waiter Apprentices in Oslo. 

He is looking forward to compete in Norway:

– I am most looking forward to meeting the other competitors and gain new experience and skills throughout the competition - and hopefully win the competition, Vilhelmsson says. 

Meet Iceland's Benedikt E. Birnuson

20-year-old waiter apprentice Benedikt E. Birnuson is part of the team representing Iceland in the championships in Oslo. Foto: IÐAN fræðslusetur

It will be a great experience for us to participate in the competition and hopefully the results will be positive for us!

Benedikt E. Birnuson, Team Iceland

20-year-old Benedikt E. Birnuson completes the Icelandic Waiter team at the Nordic Championship for Cook and Waiter Apprentices 2023. During his daily life, he is an apprentice at Matarkjallarinn in Reykjavik. 

Ahead of the competition in Oslo, Benedikt is looking forward to fun and  challenges ahead: 

– I am most looking forwards to having fun with my colleges and meeting new challenges. It will be a great experience for us to participate in the competition and hopefully the results will be positive for us, Birnuson says. 

Team Iceland Cooks

Young chef apprentices Hinrik Örn Halldórsson and Martein Rastriok are representing Iceland in the Nordic Championship for Cook and Waiter Apprentices in Oslo in 2023.

Promoting and Fostering Talent Since 1981

The Nordic Championship for Cook and Waiter Apprentices highlights Nordic culinary skills and traditions, and is an important catalyst for promoting the Nordic restaurant industry. In 2023, the Championships are held in Oslo, Norway.

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